Executive Coaching


What is Executive Coaching?

Individual executive coaching can be described as a one-on-one interaction between the coach and an executive that is focused on development and performance improvement. Topic areas of executive coaching include feedback, usually from 360-degree feedback or other assessment instruments, in-depth development and content-level improvement. Executive coaching is an important organizational intervention delivered through regular meetings between the coach as a trained facilitator and an organizational leader.

Our “point of view” on leadership and on executive coaching is that both are relationship influence processes in which the leader influences the organizational unit and the coach supports the leader in a process of self-discovery, leading to the development of new thinking, actions and results.

Approach and Scope of Work

Following the “ADDIE” model for the design of development interventions, we will begin with ASSESSMENT. Here, we will implement 360-feedback to assess strengths, behaviors and results to Start, Stop and to Continue. The use of direct reports, peers, an upper manger to whom the Rev. Dr. Jones Davis reports, as well as feedback from the Rev. Dr. Jones Davis, gathering this data will enable us to quickly DIAGNOSE the key areas of endeavor for our coaching meetings. From here, the coaching interactions will be DESIGNED to focus on those key areas. Strategies will be determined that best meet the Rev. Dr. Jones Davis’ needs will be employed to break down areas of change into an anticipated progress timeline with milestones. As changes are IMPLEMENTED, we will continue to EVALUATE, re-assess, diagnose, redesign and implement as needed.

A word about 360 degree feedback. Feedback is critical to performance improvement. Multi-rater, or 360° feedback uses a combination of self-ratings and ratings from stakeholders (“customers,” managers, employees and others) to help generate a more complete picture of strengths and opportunities for growth. These assessments have been shown to have a degree of validity and reliability, particularly in stable organizations such as the Christian Theological Seminary. Accountability in coaching—regular meetings—exists to help “granulate in” changes in habits and behaviors and to prevent recidivism to past strategies for performance.
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